A bond of solidarity between Graz and Slovenia
On Sunday, July 9th, 2015, at 15.00 hrs, the "big jumps" will be organized by riverbeds on various rivers all over Europe
More than 60 organizations across Europe are protesting against the destruction of the existing natural areas by excessive power plant construction, canal-like river regulations and sewage. The people bathing in and jumping into the rivers and seas want to show their call for the fully implementation of the ambitious EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), which aims to provide citizens with the best possible natural (re) design and protection of rivers, lakes and groundwater.
We from Graz have also registered. We want to show solidarity not only with our Slovenian friends, who are also struggling against power plant projects, and who are driving to the border to Weitersfeld.
In this way, we would like to draw attention to the imminent transformation of the flowing Mur into an almost dead and muddy power plant jam, including the destruction of the avalanche trees and the disturbance of the groundwater flow through the concrete walls of the central storage tunnel reaching depths of more than 10 meters.
There are many ways to participate in this event:
In Graz along the right and left Murufer: Take a picture of yourself and your friends on the Mur and send it to zentrale@murxkraftwerk.at or post it here on the event page, so we forward it to the international homepage of the Big Jump can.
BIG JUMP GRAZ: https://www.facebook.com/events/517456648586466
At the Slovenian border: if you want to be in the wider area, you can go by bike, by train, by car or motorbike and enjoy the meeting at "GlaMur - enjoy the river".
If you want to take this opportunity, follow this event on Facebook:
BIG JUMP 2017 Aut / Slo: https://www.facebook.com/events/1892426174306845
So you see, the possibilities are almost unlimited. Just take one of them and get active!
Further Information:
Maps and information about the individual events throughout Europe can be found at: