EStAG celebrates the victory over man and nature - “(No) art is venal” Campaign no. 2
Special Greetings of the Power Plant Constructers and the Concrete Industry to the Participants of the EStAG diversionary Tactics for the Masses like "La Strada"
(Graz, 6th August 2017) The street festival ‘La Strada’, sponsored by banks and energy companies, is looking for new challenges year after year, deals with issues of this day and age and wants to leave indelible traces in the UNESCO world cultural heritage of the town of Graz. For this reason La Strada awards the Styrian Energy Company EStAG which does the pioneering work in the conquest of public space by commercialism by means of sponsorship and events as well as in the domestication of the art which is made dependent
This ensures new depth with the Mur Power Station Graz Puntigam and the Super Sewer with walls made of concrete and steel up to 30 metres deep right through the middle of the town. Without the reduction of water quality by the Graz Puntigam Power Station the concrete and construction lobby couldn't sell their monster project. At the same time this projects breaks the city for profitable real estate and construction projects of the companies is embedded in concrete by the power station.
Therefore La Strada celebrates loudly and excitingly and with breathless amazement six months after the beginning of the big tree fellings the final party “the new circus” of the “society of the show” on the ground of the recreational area “Auwiesen” (floodplain meadows): On the one side the motorway, currently without traffic jams, and the softly humming high-tension power line and on the other side the 30,000 m2 of “ecological compensation area for animals and plants”.
This laboratory of artificial substitute worlds just has to be viewed when turned upside-down, walking over unusual entrances and showing them in a favourable (insect-friendly) light and viewed from the right angle in order to see still something good in the terrific destruction of the environment.
Thanks to increased and rising admission charges of “La Strada" events human beings at the margin of society stay outside and the innovative persons keep to themselves.
A deputation of the dwarf liberty, overwhelmed by this great moment and impressed by the magic of the EStAG marketing show, has spontaneously thrown acid drops and “Exit Styria” share certificates into the frenetically cheering crowd and has provided the perfect setting for the “Grande Final” with a concerto of chain saws and 16,000 falling trees of the river Mur, the capital of prohibitions and fine dust load.
Wading through refuse and sludge, Graz can now certainly face a splendid future. The reservoir flushing on the following day (6th August, 2017) washes the remains of the celebration - like the rubbish of the big fireworks - away, dead fish are what is left on next day after the reservoir flushing.
“No art is for sale” is an ongoing campaign of the dwarf liberty. Please stay tuned!
Pictures of the reservoir flushing after the “Grande Final” of “La Strada”
Again, Fish Death in the Mura by Reservoir Flushing on the Day after the "Grand Finale" of "La Strada"
See also:
Campaign “(No) Art is venal” at the story-telling festival in Graz, 2nd June 2017, sponsored by the EStAG
Some background about the famous Mura Power Station Graz:
- Poster Campaing: Please don't obstruct the future of our children!
http://www.murxkraftwerk.at/en/poster-campaign-please-dont-obstruct-the-future-of-our-children.html - Mur Power Station Graz: What Politics and Media do not tell You!
Guy Debord: The Society Of The Spectacle