Naturally, people don’t necessarily show solidarity on our numerous information campaign tours in the town. Many of the fellow citizens living nearby think they are well-informed. Many people think that what is happening now is necessary and correct and believe that politicians have decided the best thing for everyone anyway. All of these people accept a construction site which will be there for years because they like the prospect of recreation, regulated ways and energy safety.
How many times are we publicly denounced as lunatics whom the electricity should be switched off instantaneously, just because we critically examine this construction together with the political procedure and the consequences that lay in store for us?
How pleasant is it then when people come to be deeply sympathetic, to inform themselves, to ask how they can contribute, taking information material with them, voluntarily signing the petition to Pope Francis without belonging to the same faith, showing solidarity from Slovenia to Thailand, sharing new information without special request in their mailing lists, writing encouraging letters, giving financial support or strengthen us with an embrace in order to express their acknowledgement.
How pleasant is it, too, when people (whom we sometimes clumsily explain the circumstances in a foreign language) come up to us all by themselves or network with us and show solidarity (like Andreja from Slovenia or Roberto from France), because they know that this problem isn’t a regional problem anymore, but concerns almost all rivers in this world.
Recently, Lisl has come up to our stand and has told us that the rivers in her home country are endangered as well. We hope, Lisl, that you have returned well to New Zealand. We thank you for the nice conversation and publish in commemoration the picture taken on the occasion of your stay in Graz. It shall be a sign for the fact that solidarity knows no bounds.
If you want to show solidarity as well, then take the many opportunities to get active by yourself. Contribute according to your talents. Become a member of the editorial team of “Murxkraftwerk”. Write your own articles or investigate for articles. Collect, archive and answer reports from the media. Be an interface for the cooperation with other non-profit organizations. This and many other things, we wish for!